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Mag Rims Repair on Scratch and Dent Cover

Your mag rims are not usually covered with a scratch and dent cover policy unless you have extra cover. This means that any scratches or dents to your mag wheels cannot be claimed from your scratch dent policy. However, more insurers are now offering rim and tyre...

Free Scratch and Dent Cover With New Car Purchases

Vehicle dealers often provide free add-ons to encourage buyers. From free window tint offering smash and grab protection to roadside assistance for the first year, buyers should always consider these add-ons when making a vehicle purchase. Scratch and dent cover has...

Claim from Scratch Dent or Car Insurance Cover

Most car owners are understandably hesitant to claim from their car insurance cover when their vehicle sustains a minor dent or scratch. The reality is that car insurers will ‘penalise’ you for claiming with future premium increases as well as an excess at...

Can You Have Car Insurance With Scratch Dent Cover?

It is important that you do not confuse the two types of cover. Many people who hear about scratch and dent cover do not understand the difference with regular car insurance. Scratch and dent cover protects your car’s bodywork against minor dents and scratches....

What is the difference from regular car insurance?

Scratch and dent cover is an entirely separate financial product from what you may call regular car insurance. Both cover your car and will pay for repair to damage to the body work. But there are fundamental differences between both car policies that is important to...